Anyway, here is the code, hopefully someone can shed a light on this dilemma: import java.util. Abstract Shapes Geometric Shapes Geometric shapes are made up of a series of straight lines combined into a form that often features symmetrical elements and hard edges. He is known for being one of the pioneers of 20th-century abstract art.

Second, I tried changing the return type of the overridden abstract method to void from int/double but in my head it didn't make any sense as it should return a number, be that an int or a double. Geometric shape Abstract art, abstract shapes, multicolored, angle, text png 2480x2480px 96.51KB Line Abstraction Shape Euclidean Pattern, Abstract background. Pieter Cornelis Mondriaan after 1906 known as Piet Mondrian was a Dutch painter and art. Firstly, I tried writing above the method as I thought it will work. Download this abstract, rectangle, shape, shapes, square icon in outline style from the Signs & symbols category. I feel really stupid as I can't figure out what am I doing wrong. I am asked to create two classes ( Square and Circle) both with contructors taking parameters and to set up an abstract method inherited from an abstract class in order to calculate the area. I am trying to figure out abstraction for a project on Sololearn and I reached module 5.